
We, at Rajavivaha are continuously striving to offer the best shopping experience for all our customers. In case you are unsatisfied with any product that you receive from us, you can also send in your grievances and complaints to support@rajavivaha.com and our customer service team will get in touch with you regarding your issues. Any product that you buy from us cannot be returned or exchanged. However, if the product is received in a damaged condition, please contact us within 24 hours, so that we can arrange for a replacement immediately. If not contacted within 24 hours, the replacement cannot be done. Our quality experts will examine all returned clothes to make sure that all the returns guidelines have been adhered to, making exchanges will depend on the condition of the garments that you have returned.

Please make sure to retain the goods along with the price tag as well as the original fold intact along with the packaging material of your delivery and return the clothes in the same boxes along with the invoice to make exchanges.

rajavivaha.com hereby disclaims any guarantees of exactness as to the finish and appearance of the final Product as ordered by the user. The quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the Website may not meet your expectations.

Refund Processing Time:

Refunds will be processed within 7-10 business days after approval. The refunded amount will be credited back to the original payment method used during the purchase.